30-08-2016 - 30-08-2016

Blood donation camp at' Modern college of Engineering ' was held on 30th August 2016 between 10 am- 4pm a joint venture by Rotary club of Kothrud and Rotary club of Koregaon Park and MMCC rotarct club. Entire project was co-ordinated by staff and NSS students of Modern college of Engineering and hospital concerned was Sahayadri hospital and the incharge of Blood Bank Sujata Naik and her team. A total of 156 bottles of blood was collected and had to be extend beyond time limit upto 5pm as the number of donors increased, inspite of that we had to send back 30 registered donors standing in the queue. 11 rotarians and Anns visited the camp. In all it was a great success and by which 624 lives can be saved (156 donors× 4 recipents).

Project Details

Start Date 30-08-2016
End Date 30-08-2016
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 624
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Koregaon Park MMCC Rotaract Club
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -